It has risen from your nightmares and taken shape. The first "Horror of 1988" Special is here. We have a full crew gathered to talk about the fourth film in the "Nightmare On Elm Street" series. Find out if this franchise lost steam or if the boiler room was red hot. Did the "large budget" help the film? Does it still hold up today? Is Freddy still scary? They explore all that and more. Plus they play a little trivia as they take a stab at next month's special.
Crew in the Room: Kara, Angelique, Ray and Mark "The Movieman".
Recorded January 18th, 2021
Spoiled Word: Freddy
You can download the episode at Anchor FM now. Just click here.
Crew in the Room: Kara, Angelique, Ray and Mark "The Movieman".
Recorded January 18th, 2021
Spoiled Word: Freddy
You can download the episode at Anchor FM now. Just click here.